Installment plan more than a building loan?

Proper financing

With installment plan you fulfill the desire for their own 4 walls. Installment plan is a new type of construction financing. Often criticized by competitors. But there is a simple reason for this. Competitors fear competition and products they have nothing to oppose. So they argue it's too expensive or it's all a scam. The reason for this is a lack of competence. To understand the hire-purchase system, you have to get rid of old habits and schemes.

What installment plan can offer you?

You go to your own property without debts and without a building loan. You can use installment plan whether you are an employee, a civil servant, a generation 55+, or a young family. Installment plan is even suitable as a building loan for the self-employed, freelancers and entrepreneurs. This is easier than you think. With installment plan without debts, without credits, without loans. Even if banks have rejected your financing!

Installment plan without debts and credits?

A construction loan without credit? Hand on heart – do you think this will work? No? Then let yourself be positively surprised. Because the installment plan offers you only advantages and securities for you and your family. For your building loan with installment plan, you do not need a bank or building society. Also no loan or credit is requested. Now imagine you have a construction loan with a bank and pay expensive installments and are bound to this commitment for many years, without ifs and buts. Our suggestion: Realize your building loan not with banks, building societies, savings banks or insurance companies. Thus you need for your financing also no building loan at a bank. You have thereby no loans or credits, consequently also no debts on your real estate.

How you can arrange your repayment?

The repayment for your building loan you arrange simply and flexibly in the credit balance. Do not repay to the bank. Save it with your own capital investment. You have the choice. You profit to a high degree from the compound interest effect. This effect ensures smaller installments and we make sure that your redemption as a personal credit works for you properly. So you are always on the safe side.

Is installment plan a financing without credit rating?

Installment plan works credit-free and without credit rating. Nobody is interested in how many credits or loans you already have, or whether something went wrong in the past. We only check with a simplified liquidity check. All types of income are taken into account. For example: vacation pay, Christmas bonus, child benefit, commissions, bonuses and also depreciation for self-employed persons are evaluated as income. Unlike banks!

Installment plan says goodbye to Basel II guidelines'

Don't worry about falling through the cracks of the Basel II bank lending guidelines. No ranking, no scoring, is necessary. Thus you can finance your real estate, despite refusal of a building loan with a bank, favorably and relaxed with installment plan.

Installment plan with predictable costs

You will like this security, because you can count on it: With lease-purchase you know from the beginning what is coming to you. The interest rate is fixed and guaranteed for 25 years. You have 25 years of transparent clear costs, so that your financing remains risk-free, calculable and plannable.

Installment plan with protection against insolvency

In the future you can live in your own property. You stand in the land register in the most important place. You have access to your saved capital at any time. At the same time no one has access to your desired property. Extra protection that won't cost you a dime.

With installment plan you are always independent

Stay flexible and independent. Who knows what the future will bring. Maybe your goals or wishes change, an interesting new job offer 200 km away attracts you. What then? It is and remains simple. You take your saved equity with you and move. And we take care of your dream property.

What happens in case of illness or unemployment?

Nobody knows what the future will bring. No matter, even in case of illness, divorce, unemployment no financial fiasco arises. The traditional construction loan with a bank offers little room for maneuver in case of insolvency. If you do not meet your payment obligations, the loan termination will follow at some point ! That's it. Moving out of the property and a chunk of debt are usually the result. With installment plan, you can use your credit to bridge a few months in an emergency and should you then want to move out after all, your saved credit remains at your free disposal. You see the lease purchase is a construction loan without risk.

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